Monday, August 18, 2008

I was sitting down at the kitchen table with my voter's pamphlet open, circling the candidates that I wanted to mark on my absentee ballot. Zachary comes up next to me and checks out the candidates I have marked...

Zachary: "Mommy, are you circling some new guys you want to marry?"
Me: (giggling) "No. I really like the guy I'm married to."
Zachary: "Gooooooood! I don't want THAT guy to be my Daddy!"


Mike and Becka said...

Sounds like you ought to think twice about who you circled. haha :)

Jane Anne said...

You just never know WHAT they are thinking!! TOO cute!

The Glasses said...

Oh Jenny, that is too funny....
thanks for you...p!

Shirley Casey said...

That is too funny! I just love the things kids say. I also wonder at times where they get this stuff!!! :O) ~Shirley