Zachary had his first day of kindergarten last week! He has loved each day more than the one before and we couldn't ask for a better classroom or teachers for him. We are so blessed!
It's funny because I've done the first day of kindergarten lots and lots of times, but always as the teacher. This week has really gotten me reflecting on my new perspective as a parent of a kindergartner...
I remember as a teacher having to practically squeeze the parents out the door so we could start our school day...
Now I know that it was just because somehow you realize that walking out that door and leaving your child there is releasing a huge amount of control and influence. It's a little hard to say good-bye because this is your baby and you just want to be sure everything is going to be okay.
I remember gearing up for the swarms of cameras and video camcorders that I knew would inundate me as I opened up Room 2 on the first morning of the school year...
I understand now that it was just because you don't want to miss a thing. You want to document each piece of this important day because you know that it won't be long before they are getting out of the car themselves and running to their classrooms and forgetting to kiss you good-bye.
I remember all of the the loooong conferences and emails and phone calls of concerned parents wanting to talk about their child's needs...
Now I know that it's because although you know that there are 25 other kids in the classroom, you are still the advocate and voice for YOUR child and that is your job as the Mommy. You know that your child doesn't deserve special treatment, but you will do everything in your power to make sure every need and concern is brought before the teacher who will spend the year with your amazing kid.
Most of all I can remember the conflicted looks of smiles and tears on the parent's faces and they dropped off their child that first day of kindergarten...
And now I understand that it is because your heart is swelling with pride and breaking a little all at the same time.

That's really sweet Jenny. I hope he can read this blog some day (like when he's a grown up and can appreciate it). I remember meeting him when he was in diapers! Where has the time gone:)
I am crying right now because of what you wrote.
I taught Kindergarten for 6 years and totally understand the teacher perspective.
Now that I am a mommy, I can imagine what it feels like to be on the other end. I will be a mess when Kyle goes to kindergarten!
Thanks for the encouragement!
pretty much never taught an ounce of kindergarten and have never had a child old enough to go to kindergarten... yet still - was in tears myself! --stacy
What a cutie! I can relate on both ends... mommy & teacher. Thanks for sharing!
That is so sweet...what a little cutie (I might add)
He looks so proud!! I can't wait to talk to him and hear how he likes class!! I can't believe he's in Kindergarten!!!! Aunt Steph loves you Zachary!!
Hey Jenny! Don't know if you know this but I teach 1st grade. This is the first year I've not taught. Staying home being mommy this year...who knows for how long. But reading what you wrote made me think a bit about how all of my moms felt and how I know I will feel when Kylie goes to school. She's only 3.5 months old now but I know how quickly it will be here. I can remember how annoying it was for the parents to NOT LEAVE the classroom...but man, I am starting to relate. Thank you for your words. Very touching.
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