Wednesday, January 14, 2009

8 days

7 nights

6 old friends

5 days of hot, hot sun

4 the ladies' 30th birthdays

3 little sweetie boys left back home

2 days of clouds & rain (but no biggie when you're with good friends)
1 perfectly restful, absolutely fantastic week


Mike and Becka said...

AHHH!! So fun! I can't tell you how jealous I am right now of:
1. That you all got to be with each other withOUT us!
2. That you got to be in CABO!

So fun!

PS - when is your big relaxing warm vacation in Boise? :)

Jane Anne said...

I am not jealous. I am not jealous. I am not jealous.

If I keep saying that over and over do you think it will come true?

cacfus said...

How FUN! I already informed Chris that he can take me somewhere tropical for my 30th! Yeah!

J Yo said...

Yay!! So excited for you...and jealous of the TANS you both got!! :)

The Glasses said...

So happy for you and Steve...looks like tons of fun and you look beautiful along with your girlfriends...

Robin said...

Loved seeing these pics- looks like you guys had a GREAT time!