Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Welcome to my first installment of Works-for-me Wednesday! I've loved picking up tricks and tips from reading other "Works-for-me Wednesday" blogs, so I thought I would start my own. (This will also help me to blog more consistently!)

I have been on a purging kick lately. I have filled BOXES and BOXES of stuff that I just don't need or use anymore. I have been thinking a lot about simplicity this year and I've realized that the extra clutter in my home can start to equal extra clutter in my heart. I don't want clutter. I want to be about a few things that really matter. However, all that said, it's been difficult for me to get rid of any of our baby stuff (and we have TONS of it)! Rylan is getting ready to go in a big boy bed next month, so I've started going through all of our sweet, cuddly crib blankies. I just couldn't box them up for our garage sale. So many of them have sentimental meaning!

So, here's what I decided to do....
Take a couple of the most special blankies, fold them in half, sew up three sides and...
...turn them into pillowcases for his big boy bed! Turns out that most crib-sized blankies are the perfect size for a pillowcase. There's no cutting or measuring involved! It's a winning situation for all: no money spent on new pillowcases, Mommy and Ry get to hang on to special blankies, no more un-used blankies taking up space in the closet, and Ry gets a luxuriously soft place to rest his baby head (instead of some ordinary crunchy, cotton pillowcase).


Jane Anne said...

What a fun idea! I have tons of blankets I could use this way.

I did a WFMW post today, too: WFMW: Free Magazines

The Mobergs said...

You're so crafty! I love your ideas.
