Friday, October 13, 2006

Fall Update

It's been a while since we've updated! We are starting to get settled in to our fall schedule. Steve & I have been leading Young Life while the boys spend Monday nights with Grandma, we've been heading to MOPS on Thursday mornings, and the fall flu season has already greeted us in full form! We had a really fun time last weekend heading to the pumpkin patch and having dinner with friends afterward. It was a perfect way to kick off the new season! Crazy Kaden, as we very affectionately call him at our house, has been keeping us extra busy lately...he sure requires a lot of energy and p-a-t-i-e-n-c-e. He managed to bite Zachary's cheek during a little wrestling match this week (right below the eye), which swelled up and bruised in the shape of a perfect bite mark. (No one can say he doesn't know how to stick up for himself!) Zachary keeps saying that he hopes our new baby is a girl...I think that would be great if she's nice and calm. :)