Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's been a fun weekend anticipating
Christmas around the corner!
Zachary officially turned 5 on Friday and our tradition on his birthday is to sleep down by the Christmas tree as a family. Not such a good night's sleep for Steve and I, but the boys really love this tradition so we tough it out once a year. :)
On Saturday we celebrated Christmas with the huge extended family at my mom and dad's. It was a really fun and special day with the family and actually didn't feel too chaotic as our kids tore open presents along with 30 other people! It's been a long-standing tradition to have all of the grandkids read a page of the Christmas story outloud before presents, but since most of the grandkids are all grown up Julia and ZACHARY did it this year! He did an amazing job and it was really special seeing him read this story to the family. We were very proud!

Today we settled in to our comfies and enjoyed a laid-back rainy day of new toys, naps and Christmas cookies. It's been WONDERFUL!