Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Tuesday Night with the Boys and their Mommy

Steve's gone. Feed boys a little fine cuisine of Dino Nuggets and fresh veggies. Time for baths...

Put Sons 2 and 3 in bathtub and scrub-a-dub.
Get Ry out, diaper, lotion, jammies. Ahhh, fresh baby...my favorite. Put him in crib to play.

Back to the tub to check on Son #2. Decide to trim up his hair in the tub. Snip, snip, wash up, shower him off, dry off. Diaper, jammies. Ahhh, fresh toddler, but oh my, his little hair trim doesn't look so cute. Oh well, I'll worry about that later.

On to Son #1. Wants a bath instead of a shower tonight. Thankfully he's 5 (almost) so...hop in, you can wash yourself up!

Back to Son #3 in his room. Kaden has climbed into Ry's crib to snuggle with him.
Kaden is squishing Ry.
Ry is cracking up.
Thankfully Ry is super tough and loves his big brothers.
Time to get out Kaden!
Ry gets bottle, kisses, prayers and blankie. Nigh night Ry!

Back to check on #1.
Son #2 has only been un-supervised for 60 seconds, but that's all it takes...

Kaden is back in the bathtub with Zachary...with his jammies and diapers on. Sons 2 and 3 giggle with delight thinking Kaden bathing with his fresh jammies and diaper on is pretty hilarious. The giggles startle Ry. Son #3 is now screaming from his crib. Grrr...2 minutes ago I had a sleeping baby and a 2-year-old totally set for bed. Time to start over.

Mommy goes to her room. Take a deep breath, count to ten.
This isn't a huge deal.
I'm thinking it would be a great lesson to make Kaden sleep in his soaking wet pajamas and diaper tonight. Oh wait...that means I'll have to change his sheets. Never mind.

I'm calm. Back to the bathroom to take care of business.
"Kaden, we do. not. take. baths. with our jammies on. Do you understand?"
Sweet cheeks and charming eyes answer, "I SOWWWY Mama."
He's actually sincere, I can tell by his tone.
(Did he really not know this was not a good idea?!)

Back to the baby's room. Binky and kisses. "It's OK Ry. Go to bed sweet baby."
Ry's not having it. He's still screaming.

Back to sons 1 and 2.
Get them out, dried off.
Kaden is RE-jammied and diapered and oh my gosh, his haircut looks ridiculous! Steve's going to have a good laugh about this in the morning.
Zachary gets himself dressed.

Son #3 still screaming. Binky replaced again. Ok, I think we've got it. He's calmed down.

Teeth brushed, big boy's room picked up.
Mommy's last ounces of energy are quickly draining. Why am I so starving?!
I think back...I've only had a mocha and 2 bites of left-over cold Dino nuggets since noon.
Sons 1 and 2 grab books, get in bed. Mommy grabs blankie and nigh-night downstairs.
Come back upstairs. Kaden is on Zachary's bunk bed. Zachy's reading him a story.
One of those perfect mommy moments that I wish I could freeze...I love these boys.

Time for bed. Lay down guys!
Son #2: "My binky fairy is GONE! My binky fairy is GONE!! Where my binky fairy go?"
I'm usually good at interpreting, but I'm at a loss...
"Zachary, what is he talking about?"
"He wants his Potato Head Builder Guy." Oh. Got it. The toy that the Binkie Fairy gave him.

Mommy starts searching for builder guy Potato Head pieces. I can't believe I'm building a potato head right now--I just want to go downstairs and have dinner! Mommy assembles builder guy potato head and sets him next to the clock so Son #2 can see him in all of his Potato Head glory.
"Sanks Mama."
"Your welcome baby. Nigh, night."

I kiss my #1 and #2 sweet pumpkins, pray for them, tuck them in.

Finally, dinner time.
Oh forget it, I'm waaaaay too worn out to make dinner for myself. Pour myself a bowl of cereal and I'm happy as a clam.


Melissa Guay said...

LOL!!!!!!!!! That is too funny! I can just picture Kaden and his big blue eyes so innocent. So sweet! :)

J Yo said...

Oh my goodness, Jenny...you could write a book!! That was good... :)


Laura Jackson said...

Sean and I laughed out loud with this one. Oh wow. Maybe we are done with one:)