Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just So We're Clear...

Kaden was standing by Rylan and was doing this spazzy little fake punching/running in place thing...

"Kaden we don't pretend to punch our baby."

"I'm not pretending to punch him. I really am."


J Yo said...

That kid cracks me up, Jenny!! :)

Shirley Casey said...

Oh Jenny! Your Kaden just cracks me up!!! What a little personality. ~Shirley

The Van Dorens said...

Of course you can add us to your list! I have loved reading your blog, your stories are hilarious and your boys are adorable! So fun to connect with you guys again!

Christy said...

gotta love BOYS!

Robin said...

You have to know that your last two posts had Mark and me laughing (read: basically peeing our pants) all last night. Tell those boys to keep the antics coming. :)

Jane Anne said...

He reminds me so much of Thomas it's scary! It is a good thing you are writing all of this down.