Thursday, April 09, 2009

Why I'm Sometimes a Crazy Lady

In the last 24 hours, Rylan has managed to...

throw his entire lunch on my clean wood floors,
pull the tablecloth off the table spilling everything onto the floor (again),

get stuck in some pretty tricky places,

and stopped at nothing to fulfill his constant craving of children's vitamins...
He's also...
thrown his poopy diaper down the stairs,
followed the diaper down the stairs and continued to throw the diaper throughout the house,
thrown a ball into his diaper pail, which I had to fish out 3 different times and
thrown his toothbrush in the garbage.
Mix those 2-year-old shenanigans with a little of the following from Kaden...
"Are bad guys real?"
"Is Barack Obama real? What about John McCain?"
"But I thought you told me that stuff on TV wasn't real, so if Barack Obama is on TV how can he be real?"
"You're the meanest/nicest Momma/Daddy in the world." (Depending on the hour of the day and his approval rating of us at that particular time.)
"I'm not gonna be your son anymore!"
"Don't talk to me unless you speak French."
And there you have it.


Christy said...

3 boys...I don't know how you do it.

Case and Los said...

Thanks for the reality check:)

Jane Anne said...

This was a great list - both the pictures and Kaden's list. It made me smile.

So, do you speak French?

Vollmer Family said...

No French for me. This was just his creative way of saying, "Thanks Momma. You can stop lecturing me now..."

Stephanie said...

I read these aloud to Dan and we laughed and laughed. love it. The french comment killed us

The Glasses said...

You have your hands full these days, but such cute boys!!! Good thing you have experience with teaching. Just think of Grandma Weinreich with 12 and no help in tuff times.

Mike and Becka said...

Oh my gosh, Jenny! I don't know how you do it - you're an amazing mom! And - of course, as always, you've got me cracking up!

Shirley Casey said...

Oh my gosh! That is hilarious! I love that you stop to snap a picture before saving your child from the chair. Hey, he was stuck where was he going to go right? :O) LOVE it!