Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Glad to be home

My thoughts at 7:00 this morning after not seeing my children for 4 days...
I have the cutest kids in the whole world.
How do I ever get irritated with them constantly talking to me? They have the sweetest little voices I've ever heard.
Well of course Rylan is whining and crying for an hour. The poor, sweet, helpless baby stubbed his toe. What else is he to do?
Isn't it fun to see the boys interacting? Sure, they get annoyed with each other but it's just because they love each other so much.
My thoughts 5 hours later...
I have the cutest kids in the whole world.
Wow, they really do talk to me c-o-n-s-t-a-n-t-l-y. I mean, that's OK, but WOW I have a bad, bad, bad headache right now.
Seriously, Rylan. Stop whining. I can't wait to put you down for a nap, sweet child.
I think I'll split the big boys up for the next couple of hours so they can't find anything else to argue over.


J Yo said...

Love this...and so glad you guys both got to go to Malibu! Hope your time was awesome... :)

Mike and Becka said...

HA! Love it!