Friday, January 29, 2010

Still waiting on my computer, a new camera...and for health to be restored to the Vollmer family again.

I'm coming back...I promise!


Robin said...

We are waiting, Jenny! =) I hope you guys all feel better soon! We'll be expecting some great pictures of your handsome brood!

Mike and Becka said...

I no longer believe you! Just break it to me, already. You're never coming back, are you?!?!?!

Vollmer Family said...

I still don't have a good camera, but I DID update the sidebar today! Slowly but surely I'm getting back into it!

Mike and Becka said...

LOVE the new sidebar! Your kids are hillarious! I feel like you guys should be a reality show called "My Three Sons" (or has that title been taken already??) and I would be addicted to watching it!