Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Final Stretch

Only 5 more days left! Our time here seems to get better and better. Steve is enjoying his job as a head leader and staying very, very busy. A few nights ago he took a girl who had a broken wrist into Madras (the nearest town, about 1 hour away). She ended up needing surgery, so his trip turned into about a 10-hour deal in town. The girl was such a trooper and actually returned to finish out camp. Someone at breakfast asked him today if he was taking some vacation time when we get home. That actually would make a lot of sense after 3 weeks of 18-hour days, but instead he'll be gearing up to take his own group of kids down here about a week after getting home! And before he leaves for camp the boys and I are headed to California for a wedding in Laguna Beach. Hopefully we'll be able to sneak away for a night when we get home next weekend to celebrate our anniversay, but we'll see.

We are all freezing today. The weather is about 70 degrees or so, but going from 115 to this weather is a huge change for our bodies! We're all dressed in jeans and's pretty funny. There is a cougar trapper near camp today as there have been a number of people around camp that have seen the cougars. I guess the trappers wait for cooler weather to track the cougars down. That will be kind of a relief when that's taken care of...

The kids have been really, really good. Kaden is back to his normal self. I think everyone at home will notice a big change in him. He's learned so many words and has become such a big boy since we've been here. I've been feeling O.K. When I first got here I kept thinking of how "normal" I felt. That's definitely not the case anymore. I could literally sleep all day and I think I have a very classic case of morning sickness. It's not anything to complain about, but I am sure glad that once this is over I don't have to go through this anymore!! :)

Thank you so, so much for all of the packages and letters and emails and phone calls. It has encouraged us so much and we appreciate it more than we can say. We love you! See you soon!